Check powersaved and kpowersave doc
Backup data first before trying that
Angry about my yearly-increasing electricity bill, i setup suspend-to-disk power saving mode on a 7-year old Epox 8KTA+ mobo based comp:
Using Debian/Etch, KDE, i installed kpowersave (v0.6.2)
sudo apt-get install kpowersave
and adding the everyday user username to the powerdev group
sudo adduser username powerdev
plus disabling event handling by acpi
sudo rm /etc/acpi/events/*
(backup files previously)sudo touch /etc/acpi/events/default
Though doc of powersaved says restarting the powersaved will be sufficient to make that work i had to reboot
After going to suspend mode for several times the bootloader grub was sometimes corrupted after restart. Switching the filesystem from reiserfs to ext3 solved the problem, was on the agenda anyway.
Now the comp turns off after 20 minutes of idletime, saving my current work and not running from morning to night like before - saving me money and makes planet earth happy too :)