sudo apt-get install gtk-qt-engine
[Debian/etch]and check "Use my KDE style in GTK applications" in
KDE Control Center -> GTK Styles and Fonts
quick and dirty hacks for unix and friends.
Warning: works here, but be prepared for
the worst if using without caution !
sudo apt-get install gtk-qt-engine
public class HelloWorld {
gcj -C
gij HelloWorld
gcj --main=HelloWorld -o HelloWorld
dd if=/dev/hdc of=nameofcd.iso
mkisofs -o nameofiso.iso directorywithisocontent/
arecord -f cd -d 1800 audioCD.wav
use strict;
use Mail::MboxParser;
use Mail::MboxParser::Mail;
# name of mbox file
my $mymailbox="Inbox";
# no parser options
my $parseropts="";
# new mbox object
my $mb = Mail::MboxParser->new($mymailbox,decode=>'ALL',parseropts=> $parseropts);
print "Starting decoding of Messages\n";
my $message_counter = 0;
# msg loop
while (my $msg = $mb->next_message) {
$msg->store_all_attachments(path => "./attachments_Inbox/");
print "processed ".++$message_counter." messages\n";
print "DONE\n";
close (FD);